Summerhill (Ireland, Eire) LW    2EN
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Summerhill LW 252 kHz
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Feederline and Antenna Tuning Hut
The feeder line between transmitter building and mast
The feeder line between mast and transmitter building (in the background).
The fixation of the feeder line to the transmitter building.

The extension network (ENW) for DRM is located in the building and connects transmitter and feeder line.
Support of feeder line
The antenna tuning hut with the feed through for the feeder line.

Protection fence.
The antenna tuning hut with with access door to the tuning elements.
The feed through to the antenna seen from outside of the hut.

On the right side parts of the mast
The base of the mast showing a combination of rod insulators, spark gap, and corona ring.
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Summerhill LW 252 kHz
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